Volunteer at your own local community centre?
Not everyone knows that York House Centre is owned by the community of Stony Stratford – YOU!
It’s a registered charity, a business registered with Companies House, and it is run by a volunteer management committee, and its main role is to hire out space for a great variety of community, arts, self-help, small commercial, private party, and charity groups and individuals.
Many of the activities in York House depend on volunteers, eg for the community larder/warm space, gardening and horticultural, stewarding town events such as Christmas Lanterns and Arts4All, and helping with coffee mornings or bar work for our many music and arts events.
Could YOU spare a few hours regularly or occasionally during the year? We’d love to hear from you. Contact us by email at info@york-house.org.uk or phone 01908 561075 to find out more.