Community Larder and Community Cafe
Tue 28 Mar 2023
WATCH OUT for possible “days off” at public holidays and such.
Come along to get out of the cold for a FREE drink and biscuit. Running alongside our exciting new community larder, the cafe will be based in the Main Hall from 10-12am every Tuesday! Can’t wait to see you!
The cafe is a pleasant place to socialise with friends or make new acquaintances.
The community larder (see
http://Stony Stratford Community Larder ) offers a wonderful opportunity to get all sorts of food (fresh fruit and vegetables, refrigerated dairy items, tinned and packaged products, which might otherwise be sent to landfill or composted. For a monthly subscription of £14.00 you can pick up to ten items a week (that’s just £3.50 for a big bagful)!
You might also want to join our team of volunteers, serving at the bar, distributing food, or taking registrations. Email
York House is delivering these projects with little financial support so if you want to donate you can do so here: or you can donate food items at each session. As ever thank you for your support.