MKBiergarten Oktoberfest at York House
Sat 24 Sep 2022
12:00 PM - 10:00 PM
On Saturday the 24th September the MK Biergarten and York House Centre (Stony Stratford) are collaborating to celebrate the most famous of all German beer festivals. Between 12pm and 10pm, the York House Community Centre will play host to a traditional German Oktoberfest bar and oompah brass band style music & other performers throughout the day.
‘Why September?’ I hear you say? In Munich, Oktoberfest is celebrated over two weeks and three weekends- with only the last weekend falling into October. This way we are hoping for more autumn sunshine and a lovely Biergarten atmosphere in front of York House and in the rear garden.
In the main room of York House, staff in traditional Bavarian dress will be serving Paulaner and Hacker Oktoberfestbier. The brass band Der Huffunpuffers will entertain the thirsty crowds from 8pm with Bavarian style oompah music.
Other music will be provided throughout the day by Scribal Gathering in the Garden and main room.
DJs provided courtesy of Stony Radio.
Real ale, cider, wine and soft drinks will also be available.
Food will be provided throughout the day by the wonderful range of local businesses the area has to offer. Food will be provided by the street food businesses Wilson’s Bistro in a bun, Farm Slice Pizza with plenty of options for vegetarians, too. On the bar giant pretzels from Geoff’s – Real Artisan Bread, based in Buckingham, will be on sale all day.
As at our last Oktoberfest, we will serve from pint glasses and German 1 litre Stein (or rather ‘Mass’) glasses and you will have the following options on the door:
– Entry Only £5
– Entry including 1L mass glass and first mass: £22
(including £5 refundable glass deposit)
– Entry including first pint of beer: £11
Advance tickets for £20 and £10 are also available through the MK Biergarten website and directly at the Biergarten.
Children are welcome until 7pm and their entry is free.
Make sure to save the date and dust off your Lederhosen!