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Stony Stratford Harvest Show

Sat 2 Sep 2023

02:00 PM - 4.00 PM

York House Centre, Stony Stratford.
Exhibitor set up 8:45-10:45.
Open to public 14:00
Prize giving 15:30
Followed by produce auction raising money for chosen charity -Harry’s Rainbow.

The Harvest show is a fun opportunity to show all of the produce you have spent the season growing and making. It is all about fun, sharing knowledge and of course, a bit of friendly competition.
Whether you have been carefully tending to delightful dahlias, feeding up your heaviest marrow on the plot, gathering raspberries to make the tastiest jam, or crafting a beautiful piece of embroidery, now is the time to share it with the community!

It takes such a lot of time and dedication to create and grow these things, why not see that hard work paid off by entering them in a class? Everyone from Stony Stratford and all the surrounding areas are invited to enter the show!

If you have entered the show in previous years, the organisers would be delighted to welcome you back once more. If you have never entered before, they would love to invite you to join in!

If you have any questions, please just follow the Facebook page – Stony Stratford Harvest Show, @stonystratfordharvestshow or email Michelle at

Schedules will be available from July 1st from Odells, and Stony Stratford Library, and also downloadable from the Facebook page come July 1st. There will be helpful hints for first time exhibitors and lots of information on the Facebook page.